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Title: The biology and management of lobsters. Volume 1, physiology and behavior [Subtitle:edited by J. Stanley Cobb, Bruce F. Phillips]
Author: Cobb, J. Stanley ; Phillips, Bruce F.
Citation: ACCNO:0003385
Publisher: New York : Academic Press
Year: 1980
Description: xv, 463 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Subject: Lobsters ; Nephropidae ; Palinuridae, ; Scyllaridae ; Synaxidae ; Life history ; Biology. ; Physiology. ; Behaviour.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
ISBN/ISSN: 0121774015
Type: Book
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1 Discard Iron Mountain 595.384.2 COB
2 Discard Iron Mountain 595.384.2 COB
3 On Shelf Iron Mountain 595.384.2 COB
4 Discard Iron Mountain 595.384.2 COB