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Title: West Coast Estuarine Managed Fishery (Area 2: Peel-Harvey Estuary) & Peel-Harvey Estuary Blue Swimmer Crab Recreational Fishery [Subtitle:Johnston, D. J. ... [et al.]]
Author: Johnston, Danielle Jane ; Smith, Kimberley A. ; Brown, Joshua I. ; Travaille, Kendra L. ; Crowe, Fiona ; Oliver, R. K. ; Fisher, Emily A.
Citation: ACCNO:25360
Publisher: Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Marine Stewardship Council report series (Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries) ; no. 3
Year: 2015
Description: xx, 264 p. : ill., graphs, maps, tables ; 30 cm.
Subject: Estuarine fisheries. ; Crab fisheries ; Commercial fishing. ; Recreational fishing. ; Fishery management. ; Stock assessment. ; Ecologically sustainable development. ; Standards. ; Certification. ; Environmental impact. ; Portunus armatus. ; Blue swimmer crab. ; Mugil cephalus ; Peel-Harvey Estuary - Western Australia ; West Coast marine bioregion - Western Australia
Notes: Location:Hillarys
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ISBN/ISSN: 9781877089086 (online)/9781877098079 (print)/22053670 (print)/22053689 (online)
Type: Departmental;Book
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