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Title: Market prospects for horticulture : Ord River stage II : a desktop market analysis for the Department of Resources Development / prepared by Agwest Trade & Development, [Agriculture Western Australia]
Author: Western Australia Dept. of Resources Development. ; Western Australia Agriculture Western Australia Agwest Trade and Development.
Publisher: Perth, W.A. : Agwest Trade & Development,
Year: 1998.
Description: 48, [32] leaves ; 30 cm.
Subject: Pawpaws. ; Horticulture. ; South East Asia. ; Netherlands. ; Taiwan. ; Avocados. ; Bananas. ; Melons. ; Economic analysis. ; Rambutans. ; Vegetables. ; Litchi chinensis. ; Guavas. ; Europe. ; Singapore. ; Japan. ; China. ; Macadamia. ; Grapefruits. ; Passion fruits. ; Hong Kong. ; Cashews. ; Germany. ; Pineapples. ; Asia. ; Marketing. ; Tropical fruits. ; Mangoes. ; USA. ; Great Britain. ; Exports. ; Asparagus. ; Korea Republic. ; Malaysia. ; Markets. ; Longans. ; Averrhoa carambola. ; France. ; Horticultural crops.
Notes: Cover title. 48 tables.
26 refs.
Type: Book
Abstract: AGWEST Trade and Development was commissioned by the Department of Resources Development to undertake a desktop market analysis of horticultural crop options for the Mantinea Flats, Ord River Irrigation Area Stage II. The Mantinea Flats are an area of some 2,400 hectares of sandy loam soils, considered suitable for large-scale horticultural development. At the outset, 12 markets were identified as the most relevant to usch a tropical horticultural development project, being: Asia- Japan, Hong Kong, Singap
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1 On Shelf Book-Quarto 634/635:658.8(941) MAR [Q]
2 On Shelf DAWA Archival/Duplicates 634/635:658.8(941) MAR [Q]
3 On Shelf Kununurra-Book 634/635:658.8(941) MAR [Q]