This report covers about 94,700 square kilometres of rangelands in the Sandstone-Yalgoo-Paynes Find area of Western Australia (Figure 1). The area lies within 27oS and 30oS latitudes, and 115o30'E and 120oE longitudes and includes the towns of Sandstone, Yalgoo and Paynes Find. The northern, southern, and eastern limits of the survey area are largely defined by the boundaries of the 1:250,000 scale series map sheets shown in Figure 2. The western limit is the boundary between the pastoral and agriculturalrea. There are 66 leasehold pastoral stations wholly (55) or partly (11) within the survey area (Figure 3). The following stations fall wholly within the survey area: Atley, Badja, Barnong, Barrambie, Bimbijy, Black Hill, Black Range, Booylgoo Spring, B inia, Muralgarra, Nalbarra, Narndee, Ninghan, Oudabunna, Perangery, Pindabunna, Pullagaroo, Remlap, Tallering, Thundelarra, Wagga Wagga, Wanarra, Warriedar, White Wells, Windimurra, Windsor, Wogamo, Wydgee, Yarrabubba, Youanmi Downs, Yowergabbie, Yuinme