The extent of nutrient loss from nine horticultural properties located on the sandy soils of the Swan Coastal Plain was examined. On three of the properties phosphorus (P) loss was measured by monitoring nutrient loads in shallow drains. On the other six properties networks of monitoring bores were installed and both P and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations were monitored. All of the properties except one were located on the low phosphate fixing Bassendean sands. The level of nutrient loss was depend
l production areas. High to very high N03-N concentrations were found in the shallow groundwater beneath the production areas on all of the properties. The World Health Limit for drinking water of 10 mg/L NO3-N was exceeded under all of the properties. r of the six properties. However, N03-N concentrations fell rapidly in the shallow groundwater as water moved away from the two properties located on Joel sands. Significant denitrification appeared to be occurring.--Abstract. p. 2.