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Title: Research on the nematode-bacterial association of annual ryegrass responsible for annual ryegrass toxicity, 1978 to 1982 / D.L. Chatel : edited by I.T. Riley.
Author: Riley, Ian T. ; Chatel, D. L. ; Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture.
Series: Technical report (Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Plant Industries), ; 54.
Description: 38 p. ; 30 cm.
Subject: Field experimentation. ; Western Australia. ; Lolium. ; Annual ryegrass toxicity.
Notes: 19 tables, 4 figures.
7 ref.
For limited distribution only. The contents should not be cited without the permission of the authors concerned.
Type: Journal
Abstract: Between 1978 and 1982 a series of experiments were conducted in the glasshouse aimed at reproducing the nematode-bacterial association of Lolium rigidum (annual ryegrass) responsible for annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT). Initially, attempts were made to determine the best conditions for the nematode and bacterium to colonize host grasses in the glasshouse. Initial attempts were successful and encouraging, however at no stage was the technique refined to the extent that adequate infections were routinely
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1 On Shelf Bunbury-Journals 05:631(941)
2 On Shelf Journals-Series 05:631(941)
3 On Shelf Narrogin-Book 05:631(941)