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Title: Bulletin / Department of Agriculture Western Australia.
Author: Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture.
Publisher: Perth, [W.A.] : The Dept.,
Series: Bulletin (Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture)
Description: v : ill. ; 25-30 cm.
Holdings: no.1 (1911) - no.4295 (1994); no.4298 (1995) - no.4303 (1995); no.4305 (1995); no.4312 (1995); no.4411 (2001); no.4493 (2002); no.4498 (2001); no.4502 (2002); no.4510 (2002); no.4514 (2002); no.4531 (2002); no.4541 (2002); no.4544 (2002); no.4550 (2002); no.4555 (2002); no.4569 (2003); no.4572 (2003); no.4582 (2003); no.4594 (2003); no.4596 (2003); no.4601 (2004); no.4604 (2004); no.4606 (2004); no.4615 (2004); no.4617 (2004); no.4630 (2004) - no.4642 (2005); no.4645 (2005); no.4648 (2005); no.4650 (n.2005); no.4655 (2005) - no.4672 (2006); no.1 (1911) - no.4295 (1994); no.4298 (1995) - no.4303 (1995); no.4305 (1995); no.4312 (1995); no.4493 (2002); no.4498 (2001); no.4502 (2002) - no.4503 (2002); no.4510 (2002); no.4512 (n.2002); no.4514 (2001) - no.4529 (2001); no.4531 (2002) - no.4539 (2002); no.4541 (2002) - no.4542 (2002); no.4544 (2002) - no.4547 (2002); no.4550 (2002); no.4555 (2002) - no.4566 (2002); no.4569 (2003) - no.4570 (2003); no.4572 (2003) - no.4579 (2003); no.4582 (2003) - no.4592 (2003); no.4594 (2003); no.4596 (2003) - no.4598 (2003); no.4601 (2004) - no.4602 (2004); no.4604 (2004); no.4606 (2004) - no.4607 (2004); no.4609 (2005) - no.4610 (2004); no.4615 (2004); no.4617 (2004) - no.4628 (2004); no.4630 (n.2004) - no.4642 (2005); no.4645 (2005) - no.4646 (2005); no.4648 (2005); no.4650 (2005) - no.4652 (2005); no.4655 (n.2005) - no.4672 (2006);
Subject: Agriculture. ; Western Australia. ; Periodicals.
Notes: Also issued as Leaflet in the earlier publications. Some issues not numbered, notably nos. 1100-1999. Bulletin no. 4613 was not issued. Publisher varies: some 2006 issues published by Dept. of Agriculture and Food.
[Continued by:Continued by, 1995-2001: Bulletin (Western Australia. Agriculture Western Australia)]
[Continued by:Continued by, April 2006- : Bulletin (Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture and Food.]
ISBN/ISSN: 07290012 1326415X 14480018 18337236 (Print) 18337244 (Online);
Type: Serial
Item Availability
Item Availability
{ 3 } items found
Shelf No
1 2199; v.Leaflet no. 10-no. bulletin no. 1-no. 335, no. 2200- On Shelf Storage 05:63(941)
2 1911 v. No. 1 - no. 4305 (1995), no. 4516 (2001)-no. 4672 On Shelf Journals 05:63(941)
3 1911 v. No. 1 - no. 4305 (1995), no. 4516 (2001)-no. 4672 On Shelf Journals 05:63(941)