A well trained sheep-dog is a considerable asset to a farmer - in a recent Queensland Department of Primary Industries study, participating graziers estimated the value of a good working to be up to $20,000 a year.
Despite their value, dogs can be maintained cheaply. The Queensland study quoted $130 a year as the most any grazier spent on an individual dog - for dry food, vaccine and treatments for internal and external parasites.
This Bulletin aims to show how to train a sheep-dog from a raw pup to a highly useful and well trained, mature dog. the methods mentioned have proved sound and reliable and are gleaned from many decades of successful training by prominent dog handlers.
The Bulletin also outlines some points relating to the care of the dog, including housing, feeding, pests and diseases, other health hazards and security.
The limited space of this Bulletin allows only major principles to be covered. Readers seeking more details should consult the reference list for detailed publications.