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Title: Reproductive biology and larval development of the terapontid Amniataba caudavittata, including comparisons with the reproductive strategies of other estuarine teleosts in temperate Western Australia
Author: Potter, Ian C. ; Neira, Franciso J. ; Wise, Brent S. ; Wallace, J. H.
Citation: ACCNO:10194
Publisher: Report submitted to Dept. of Fisheries : as a condition for a Scientific Licence
Year: 1994
Description: pp. 57-74
Subject: Reproduction. ; Reproductive behaviour. ; Fish larvae ; Swan River - Western Australia. ; Amniataba caudavittata.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Departmental;Journal Article
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Internal 1994:POT
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