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Title: Handbook of chemical risk assessment : health hazards to humans, plants, and animals. Volume 1. Metals
Author: Eisler, Ronald ; Eisler, Ronald ; Eisler, Ronald
Citation: ACCNO:10329
Publisher: Florida : Lewis Publishers
Year: 2000.
Description: V. 1 : p. 1-738 ; 25 cm.
Subject: Pollution effects ; Chemical pollutants ; HANDBOOKS ; Environment management. ; Environmental impact. ; Risks ; Health and safety ; Hazards ; Cadmium. ; Copper ; Lead ; Mercury. ; Nickel ; Tin compounds ; Zinc ; Chromium ; Silver ; Carcinogens ; Mutagens ; Teratogens ; Pollution effects ; Chemical pollutants ; HANDBOOKS ; Environment management. ; Environmental impact. ; Risks ; Health and safety ; Hazards ; Pesticides. ; ATRAZINE ; CARBOFURAN ; CHLORDANE ; Chlorpyrifos ; CYANIDE ; DIAZINON ; DIFLUBENZURON ; DIOXINS ; FAMPHUR ; FENVALERATE ; MIREX ; PARAQUAT ; PENTACHLOROPHENOL ; POLYCHLORINATD BIPHENYLS ; POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ; Sodium monofluoroacetate. ; TOXAPHENE ; Teratogens ; Environmental impact. ; Carcinogens ; Health and safety ; IONISING RADIATIONS ; Radionuclides ; Analysis. ; Chemical pollutants ; Molybdenum ; Selenium ; Radioactivity ; Environmental factors ; Arsenic compounds. ; Boron ; Arsenic. ; HANDBOOKS
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Received:8 May 2000
Received:8 May 2000
ISBN/ISSN: 1566705061
Type: Book
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