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Title: Development of an environment-recruitment model for black bream: a case study for estuarine fisheries management. [Subtitle:Project 96/102]
Author: Walker, Shelli ; Sporcic, Miriana ; Coutin, Patrick ; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia)
Citation: ACCNO:11094
Publisher: Queenscliff, Vic. : Marine & Freshwater Research Institute
Year: 1998
Description: 74 p. (photocopy) ; 28 cm.
Subject: Acanthopagrus butcheri ; BREAM ; Recruitment patterns. ; Environment effects. ; GIPPSLAND LAKES - VIC ; Estuarine fisheries. ; Modelling. ; Models ; Fishery management. ; Victoria
Notes: Location:Hillarys
ISBN/ISSN: 0731131835
Type: Book
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