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Title: The marine and estuarine fishes of south-western Australia : a field guide for anglers and divers / Barry Hutchins, Martin Thompson.
Author: Hutchins, Barry ; Thompson, Martin ; Hutchins, Barry ; Thompson, Martin ; Hutchins, Barry ; Thompson, Martin
Citation: ACCNO:12038
Publisher: Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Museum
Year: 1983
Description: 103 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.
Subject: Marine fish ; Brackishwater fish. ; South West - Western Australia ; Western Australia ; Identification ; Marine fish ; Brackishwater fish. ; South West - Western Australia ; Western Australia ; Identification ; Fish. ; WESTERN AUSTRALIA ; Identification guides. ; Estuarine fish ; Marine fish ; Size ; Weight ; Food fish ; Palatability
ISBN/ISSN: 0724497587
Type: Book
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