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Title: Oceanography and marine biology : an annual review. Volume 40. [Subtitle:edited by Margaret Barnes... et al]
Author: Barnes, Harold ; Gibson, R. N. ; Barnes, Margaret ; Atkinson, R. J. A.
Citation: ACCNO:12716
Publisher: London, U.K. : Taylor & Francis
Year: 2002
Series: Oceanography and marine biology ; vol. 40
Description: viii,684 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Subject: Echinoderm fisheries. ; Sea urchins ; Fishery management. ; Fishery oceanography ; Marine mammals ; Eutrophic waters ; Marine environment. ; Deep water. ; Estuarine habitat. ; Estuarine organisms ; Salinity effects. ; Water exchange ; Water quality. ; Water mass intrusions ; Water mixing ; Environment effects. ; Estuarine dynamics ; Estuarine habitat. ; Estuarine organisms ; Algal blooms ; Benthos. ; Sea level changes ; Sea level measurement ; WORLD OCEAN EXPERIMENT (WOCE)
Notes: Location:Hillarys
ISBN/ISSN: 0415254620
Type: Book
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1 On Shelf Hillarys 57(26)+551.46 OCE
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