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Title: MFO induction potential of fish species native to the Swan-Canning Estuary, Western Australia [Subtitle:D. Webb, Marthe Monique Gagnon]
Author: Webb, Diane ; Gagnon, Marthe Monique
Citation: ACCNO:13610
Publisher: Environmental toxicology - Vol. 17
Year: 2002
Description: p. 87-92
Subject: Brackishwater fish. ; Endemic species. ; Indicator species. ; Water pollution. ; Chemical pollution ; Biomarkers ; Urban runoff. ; Nematalosa vlaminghi ; Mugil cephalus ; Amniataba caudavittata. ; Acanthopagrus butcheri ; Estuaries. ; Swan River - Western Australia. ; Canning River - Western Australia. ; Perth metropolitan area - Western Australia
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Journal Article
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Internal 2002:WEB
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