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Title: In a perfect ocean : the state of fisheries and ecosystems in the North Atlantic ocean.
Author: Pauly, Daniel ; Maclean, Jay
Citation: ACCNO:13891
Publisher: Washington, USA : Island Press
Year: 2003.
Series: (The state of the world's oceans series)
Description: 160 p. ill., diagrs, maps ; 23 cm.
Subject: Marine ecology. ; ATLANTIC OCEAN ; Fisheries. ; Fishery management. ; Fishery policy. ; Biomass ; Marine reserves.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
ISBN/ISSN: 1559633247
Type: Book
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1 To be discarded Iron Mountain 339.5(261):639.2 PAU
2 To be discarded Iron Mountain 339.5(261):639.2 PAU
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