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Title: Spatial distribution of tiger and king prawns in the Shark Bay fishing area of Western Australia. Part 1: lunar months April/May, June/July and August/September 2000
Author: Mueller, Ute ; Bloom, Lyn ; Cross, Jim ; Denham, Ainslie ; Robertson, Robyn ; Kangas, Mervi ; Caputi, Nick ; Parry, Gareth
Citation: ACCNO:13930
Publisher: Perth, WA : Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries
Year: 2003
Description: vii, 65 p. : ill., tables, graphs : 30 cm.
Subject: Prawn fisheries. ; Western Australia ; Spatial data ; Temperature effects. ; Moon phases ; Nyctimeral rhythms ; Western Australia ; Shark Bay - Western Australia. ; Penaeus latisulcatus
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Book
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1 On Loan Hillarys 639.281.2(941)MUE