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Title: Catchability and selectivity of juvenile snapper (Pagrus auratus, Sparidae) and western butterfish (Pentapodus vitta, Nemipteridae) from prawn trawling in a large marine embayment in Western Australia [Subtitle:Corey B. Wakefield ... [et al.].]
Author: Wakefield, Corey B. ; Moran, Michael J. ; Tapp, Nadia E. ; Jackson, Gary
Citation: ACCNO:18287
Publisher: Fisheries research - Vol. 85
Year: 2007
Description: p. 37-48
Subject: Prawn fisheries. ; Trawling ; Bycatch. ; Catchability ; Pagrus auratus. ; Pentapodus vitta ; Mortality ; Denham Sound - Western Australia
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Journal Article;Departmental
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs CR : 2007 WAK
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs CR : 2007 WAK
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