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Title: Systematics and ecology of larvae of lampreys and fishes [Subtitle:Francisco Javier Neira.]
Author: Neira, Francisco Javier
Citation: ACCNO:18516
Publisher: [Murdoch, W.A.] : Murdoch University
Year: 1988
Description: xxvi, 279 p., 5 plates : ill., maps ; 30 cm.
Subject: Fish larvae ; Swan River - Western Australia. ; Estuaries. ; Life history ; Taxonomy ; Ecology. ; Lampreys ; Geotriidae ; Mordaciidae ; Geotria australis ; Atherinosoma wallacei ; Gymnapistes marmoratus ; Amniataba caudavittata. ; Apogon rueppellii ; Leptoscopidae
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Unpublished work
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