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Title: Shark Bay : twin bays on the edge [Subtitle:by Carolyn Thomson-Dans]
Author: Thomson-Dans, Carolyn
Citation: ACCNO:19684
Publisher: Kensington, W.A. : Dept. Environment and Conservation
Year: 2008
Description: 152 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps ; 22 x 28 cm
Subject: Shark Bay - Western Australia. ; Historical account ; Australian aborigines ; Snakes ; Lizards ; Frogs ; Pearl fisheries. ; Salt lakes ; Stromatolites ; Shells ; Marine parks. ; Bernier Island Nature Reserve - Western Australia ; Bernier Island - Western Australia ; Dorre Island Nature Reserve - Western Australia ; Dorre Island - Western Australia ; Faure Island - Western Australia ; Seagrass banks ; Dugong ; DUGONG DUGON ; Recreation ; Dirk Hartog Island - Western Australia ; Environmental impact. ; Fragum erugatum ; Shark Bay cockle ; Dugong ; DUGONG DUGON ; Tursiops aduncus ; Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin ; Humpback whale ; Megaptera novaeangliae ; Marine turtles ; CHELONIA MYDAS ; Green turtle ; CARETTA CARETTA ; Loggerhead turtle ; Whale shark ; Rhincodon typus ; Galeocerdo cuvier ; Tiger shark ; Manta ray ; Manta birostris ; Marine fish ; Bivalves ; Gastropoda. ; Nature conservation ; Refuges ; Introduced species.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
ISBN/ISSN: 9780730755715 (hbk.)
Type: Book
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1 On Shelf Hillarys A 941.40.08 SHA : THO