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Title: Ecological importance of small pelagic fishes in the Flinders Current System [Subtitle:Final report to Deparment of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts by T. M. Ward... et al]
Author: Ward, T. M. ; SARDI Aquatic Sciences ; ; Australia. Dept of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Citation: ACCNO:20927
Publisher: Adelaide, S.A. : SARDI Aquatic Sciences
Year: 2008
Series: SARDI Research report series; no: 276 ; SARDI Aquatic Science Publication; no:F2007/001194-1
Subject: Marine ecology. ; Pelagic fisheries. ; Food webs ; Pelagic environment ; South Australia ; Blue mackerel ; Scomber australasicus ; Sardinops sagax ; Australian pilchard ; Engraulis australis ; Australian anchovy ; Spratelloides robustus ; Blue sprat ; Hyperlophus vittatus. ; Sandy sprat ; Maray ; Etrumeus teres ; Scomber australasicus ; Blue mackerel ; Common jack mackerel ; Trachurus declivis ; Trachurus novaezelandiae ; Yellowtail scad ; Thunnus maccoyii ; Southern bluefin tuna ; NOTOTODARUS GOULDI ; Gould's flying squid ; New Zealand fur seal ; Arctocephalus forsteri ; Crested tern ; Sterna bergii
Notes: Location:Hillarys
URL: 'http://www.nt.gov.au/d/Content/File/p/Research/NT_Mud_Crab_2007.pdf'
Checked: 10/10/2013 1:52:51 PM
Status: Live
Details: HTTP status 200 - Usual success response; Shelf Item also held at Recno: 93769;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780730853879
Type: Monograph
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