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Title: Assessing short term movements of western rock lobsters by analysis of carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in their exoskeleton. Project No: 2000/131
Author: Glendenning, Lionel ; Bastow, Trevor ; Melville-Smith, Roy ; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia) ; Glendenning, Lionel ; Bastow, Trevor ; Melville-Smith, Roy ; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia)
Citation: ACCNO:21042
Publisher: Deakin, ACT : Fisheries Research and Development Corporation,
Series: FRDC project ; no., 2000/131
Description: 22 p.
Subject: Rock lobsters. ; Isotopes ; Carbon isotopes ; Oxygen isotope ratio ; Panulirus cygnus. ; Activity patterns ; Garden Island - Western Australia ; Dongara - Western Australia ; Jurien Bay - Western Australia ; Temperature effects. ; Rock lobsters. ; Isotopes ; Carbon isotopes ; Oxygen isotope ratio ; Panulirus cygnus. ; Activity patterns ; Garden Island - Western Australia ; Dongara - Western Australia ; Jurien Bay - Western Australia ; Temperature effects.
Notes: Research into a technique using a carbon and oxygen isotope ratios to track movements of rock lobsters during their " whites " phase. The technique used was shown to be unsuitable for this purpose.
:"July 2002"
ISBN/ISSN: 0730984613
Type: Serial
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs 2002 : GLE
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs 2002 : GLE
3 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs 2002 : GLE
4 On Shelf Hillarys 595.384.2(941) GLE