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Title: Implications of the divergent use of a suite of estuaries by two exploited marine fish species /I. C. Potter ... [et al.].
Author: Potter, Ian C. ; Chuwen, B. M. ; Hesp, S. Alexander ; Hall, Norman G. ; Hoeksema, S. D. ; Fairclough, David V. ; Rodwell, T. M.
Citation: ACCNO:21168
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell,
Year: 2011
Series: Journal of fish biology ; Vol., 79
Description: p. 662–691
Subject: South Coast Bioregion - Fisheries - Western Australia. ; Sillaginodes punctata ; Sillaginidae ; Arripis georgianus ; Arripidae ; Age ; Growth. ; Reproduction. ; Population structure ; Estuaries. ; Brackishwater environment ; Marine environment. ; Irwin Inlet - Western Australia. ; Wilson Inlet - Western Australia. ; Oyster Harbour - Western Australia ; Wellstead Estuary - Western Australia ; Western Australia
Type: Article
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs CR : 2011 FAI
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs CR : 2011 FAI
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