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Title: The development of a rigorous sampling methodology for a long-term annual index of recruitment for finfish species from south-western Australia / D. Gaughan ... [et al.].
Author: Gaughan, Daniel J. ; Ayvazian, Suzanne G ; Nowara, Gabrielle B. ; Craine, Montague D. ; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia) ; Gaughan, Daniel J. ; Ayvazian, Suzanne G ; Nowara, Gabrielle B. ; Craine, Montague D. ; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia)
Citation: ACCNO:21208
Publisher: Perth, W. A. : Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries
Year: 2005
Series: FRDC project ; no., 1999/153
Description: 148 p. : tables, graphs ; 30 cm.
Subject: Fishery statistics. ; Recruitment. ; Population dynamics. ; Biological sampling ; Sampling. ; Age ; Growth rate. ; Length-weight relationships ; Arripis georgianus ; Arripis truttaceus ; Pomatomus saltatrix ; Sillaginodes punctata ; Sillago schomburgkii ; Mugil cephalus ; Sea mullet ; Australian herring ; Western Australian salmon. ; Yelloweye mullet ; Aldrichetta forsteri ; King george whiting ; Tailor. ; Yellowfin whiting ; Fishery statistics. ; Otoliths. ; Recruitment. ; Population dynamics. ; Biological sampling ; Sampling. ; Age ; Growth rate. ; Length-weight relationships ; Arripis georgianus ; Arripis truttaceus ; Pomatomus saltatrix ; Sillaginodes punctata ; Sillago schomburgkii ; Mugil cephalus ; Sea mullet ; Australian herring ; Western Australian salmon. ; Yelloweye mullet ; Aldrichetta forsteri ; King george whiting ; Tailor. ; Yellowfin whiting
Notes: "Project No. 1999/?153".
"August 2005"--Cover title.
Type: Book
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1 On Shelf Hillarys 639.2.053.32(941) GAU
2 On Shelf Hillarys 639.2.053.32(941) GAU