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Title: Draft user profile of the Recherche Archipelago and the adjacent coast. [Subtitle:Prepared for Fisheries Western Australia and the Recherche Archipelago Consulatitive Group by Everall Consulting Biologists in association with Fish Unlimited.]
Author: Everall, Dave (comp.) ; Everall Consulting Biologists ; Fish Unlimited ; Everall, Dave (comp.) ; Everall Consulting Biologists ; Fish Unlimited
Citation: ACCNO:21298
Publisher: Perth : Fisheries Western Australia
Year: 1999
Description: 35 p. : figures, tables ;30 cm.
Subject: Marine aquaculture ; Fishery management. ; Western Australia ; Aquaculture development ; RECHERCHE ARCHIPELAGO - W A ; Tourist trade. ; Recreational fishing. ; Community participation ; Marine aquaculture ; Fishery management. ; Western Australia ; Aquaculture development ; RECHERCHE ARCHIPELAGO - W A ; Tourist trade. ; Recreational fishing. ; Community participation
Notes: April 1999
Draft for public comment, the final version was incorporated into Fisheries Management Paper no. 140. "Aquaculture plan for the Recherche Archipelago". (pp 12-21)
Type: Departmental
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1 April 1999 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs 1999: EVE
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs 1999 : EVE
3 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs 1999 : EVE
4 On Shelf Hillarys Archive