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Title: Improving the precision of estimates of egg production and spawning biomass obtained using the Daily Egg Production Method [electronic resource] [Subtitle:Ward, T. M. ... [et al.]]
Author: Ward, T. M. ; Carroll, J. ; Grammer, G. L. ; James, C. ; McGarvey, R. ; Smart, J. ; Ivey, A. R. ; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia) ; South Australian Research and Development Institute. Aquatic Sciences
Citation: ACCNO:26346
Publisher: Deakin, A.C.T. : Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
Year: 2018
Series: FRDC project ; no. 2014/026
Description: 90 p. : ill.
Subject: Daily egg production method ; Stock assessment. ; Ichthyoplankton surveys ; Biomass ; Clupeoid fisheries. ; Pelagic fisheries. ; Sardinops sagax ; Trachurus declivis ; Scomber australasicus ; South Australia
Notes: Location:Hillarys
ISBN/ISSN: 9781876007072
Type: Electronic resource
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