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Title: Some human responses to global problems / E.C. Lefroy and R.J. Hobbs.
Author: Lefroy, E. C. (Edward C.) (Western Australian Dept. of Agriculture, Perth. Pastures and Revegetation Branch) ; Hobbs, R. J. (Richard J.). (CSIRO, Midland (Australia). Div. of Wildlife and Ecology)
Year: 1993.
Description: p. 33-39.
Subject: Attitudes. ; Environmental degradation. ; Nature conservation. ; Public opinion.
Notes: In: Nature conservation 3. Reconstrution of fragmented ecosystems. pp. 33-39.
24 ref.
[Uniform title:Nature conservation 3. Reconstruction of fragmented ecosystems.]
Type: Book
Abstract: (En)
Despite abundant evidence that much of Earth's resources are being used at a faster than replacement rate, western industrial societies tend to behave as if they were not. A change in behaviour must be preceded by a change in mind. The chapter takes a brief look at a range of attitudes towards the increasing pressure that human beings, through western technology, are placing on Earth. It aims to illustrate the diversity of responses to population pressure and environmental degradation that exist today as
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1 On Shelf DAWA Archival/Duplicates 502.5 LEF [PQ]
2 On Shelf Pamphlets 502.5 LEF [PQ]