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Title: Throughflow troughs for the measurement of shallow seepage on hillslopes / by J.A. Bessell-Browne and C.J. Henschke.
Author: Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture. ; Henschke, C. J. ; Bessell-Browne, J. A.
Series: Resource management technical report , 42
Description: 11 p. ; 30 cm.
Subject: Drainage. ; Measurement. ; Subsoil. ; Seepage.
Notes: Bibliography : p. 6.
ISBN/ISSN: 07293135.
Type: Journal
Abstract: Throughflow troughs were installed to assess their effectiveness in quantifying shallow sub-surface flows on hillslopes. The majority of flow was found to occur from decayed root channels in clay sub-soils below the lowest gutter. The conclusion at this site is that shallow throughflow troughs installed on a small scale are not capable of quantifying all of the seepage occurring on hillslopes.
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1 On Shelf Bunbury-Journals 05:631.474(941)
2 On Shelf DAWA Archival/Duplicates 05:631.474(941)
3 On Shelf Journals-Series 05:631.474(941)
4 On Shelf Katanning-Book 624.131.6 BES [Q]
5 On Shelf Narrogin-Book 05:631.474(941)
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