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Title: Prescription for recreational fisheries in Western Australia. [Subtitle:[The Best Available Information - Its implications for recreational fisheries management. Workshop at Second National Fisheries Managers Conference, Bribie Island, Queensland October 18, 1994. F. Prokop (Editor)]]
Author: Prokop, F.
Citation: ACCNO:10097
Publisher: IN Fisheries management paper (Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries) ; no. 78
Year: 1995
Description: p. 18-23,
Subject: Western Australia ; Australia. ; Sailfish ; BROOME - W A ; Fishing. ; Trout. ; PEMBERTON - W A ; PERTH - W A ; jewfish ; net ; MULLET ; peel estuary - w a ; Recreational fishing. ; gear ; Management. ; Methods ; TRAP
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Departmental
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