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Title: Proceedings of the first Workshop for Seeding a Future for Grains in Aquaculture Feeds / edited by B. D. Glencross
Author: Glencross, Brett D. ; Workshop for Seeding the Future of Grain Use in Aquaculture Feeds (1st : 2003 : Fremantle, W. A.) ; Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries. ; Aquaculture Feed Grains Program (Australia) ; Grains Research and Development Corporation (Australia) ; Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (Australia)
Citation: ACCNO:15681
Publisher: Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries,
Series: Fisheries occasional publication (Western Australia. Dept. of Fisheries) ; no., 022
Description: 80 p. : tables, graphs ; 30 cm.
Subject: Feed preparation ; Feed efficiency ; Feeding experiments. ; Feed composition. ; Lupins as feed ; Fish culture. ; Prawn culture ; Salmo salar ; Brown trout. ; Rainbow trout ; Atlantic salmon ; Conferences. ; Western Australia
Notes: Bibliography pp. 78-79
ISBN/ISSN: 1877098795/14472058
Type: Serial
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1 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs FOP 22
2 On Shelf Hillarys West Aust Dept Fisheries Pubs FOP 22
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