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Title: Marine biological survey of the Muiron Islands and the eastern shore of Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia [Subtitle:[by] J.B. Hutchins, S.M. Slacksmith, C.W. Bryce, S.M. Morrison, and M.A. Hewitt. Prepared for the Ocean Rescue 2000 Program (project number G012/94)]
Author: Hutchins, J. Barry ; Slacksmith, Shirley M. ; Bryce, Clay W. ; Morrison, Susan M. ; Hewitt, Melissa A.
Citation: ACCNO:14418
Publisher: Perth, WA : Western Australian Museum
Year: 1996
Series: Ocean Rescue 2000 Program, project number: G012/94
Description: 135 l. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Subject: Exmouth Gulf - Western Australia. ; Murion Islands Marine Management Area - WA ; Coral ; Flinders - Research Vessel ; Barnacles ; Shellfish. ; Echinoderms ; Marine fish ; Tropical fish.
Notes: Location:Hillarys
Type: Book
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1 On Shelf Hillarys A 941.31.05 MUR: HUT