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Title: Rotations for the wheatbelt / Ian Rowland.
Author: Hamblin, J. Effect of lupins and wheat on the yield of subsequent wheat crops grown at several rates of applied nitrogen. ; Rowland, I. C. (Agriculture Western Australia, Perth) ; Rowland, I. C. ; Mason, M.G. Effect of field peas and wheat on the yield and protein content of subsequent wheat crops grown at several rates of applied nitrogen. ; Western Australia. Agriculture Western Australia. ; French, R. J. ; Mason, M.G. Nitrogen fertilizer requirements of wheat in an alternate wheat-subterranean clover (Trifolium Subterraneum) rotation. ; Mason, M.G. Effect of lupins and wheat on the yield of subsequent wheat crops grown at several rates of applied nitrogen. ; Grains Research and Development Corporation (Australia) ; Pritchard, I. A. ; Burgess, S. J. Accessing the results of the long-term rotation trials.
Year: 1996.
Series: Final report (Grains Research and Development Corporation (Australia))
Description: 15, [60] p. in various pagings ; 30 cm.
Subject: Crop yield. ; Chapman region (W.A.) ; East Beverley region (W.A.) ; Western Australia. ; Salmon Gums region (W.A.) ; Esperance region (W.A.) ; Trifolium subterraneum. ; Nitrogen fertilizers. ; Pisum sativum. ; Newdegate region (W.A.) ; Merredin region (W.A.) ; South Carrabin region (W.A.) ; Rotations. ; Wheat. ; Soil types. ; Soil management. ; Wheatbelt region (W.A.) ; Cereals. ; Wongan Hills region (W.A.) ; Badgingarra region (W.A.) ; Grain legumes. ; Lupins. ; Trials. ; West Mullewa region (W.A.) ; Fertilizer requirement determination.
Notes: Tables, figs.
With: Technote no 7/93. Accessing the results of the long-term rotation trials / Ian Rowland and Steve Burgess -- Effect of lupins and wheat on the yield of subsequent wheat crops grown at several rates of applied nitrogen / I.C. Rowland, M.G. Mason and J. Hamblin -- Effect of field peas and wheat on the yield and protein content of subsequent wheat crops grown at several rates of applied nitrogen / I.C. Rowland, M.G. Mason, I.A. Pritchard and R.J. French -- Technical report no. 26 (Western Australia.
47 refs. A final report prepared for the Grains Research and Development Corporation project number DAW 36 WR.
Type: Book
Abstract: (En)
The research had two original aims for long-term rotation trials. 1. To determine the best rotation for this soil type in this area. 2. To determine the effect of length of pasture phase on the performance of the following crops and the number of crops need to fully utilise the accrued benefit from the pasture. After many years the aim was changed to encompass other aspects of rotation, thus the aim was; to maintain a series of long-term rotation trials that can be used to research aspects of pasturend cereal rotations as they arise and as a resource for soil fertility, both improvement and degradation, research. For the grain legume work the aim was: 1. To test the feasibility of carrying out a grain legume-wheat rotation. 2. To determine the
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1 On Shelf Book-Quarto 631.582(941) ROW [Q]
2 On Shelf DAWA Archival/Duplicates 631.582(941) ROW [Q]