Phalaris (Phalaris aquatica) and tall wheat grass (Thinopyrum elongatum) appear to be the most robust species for the Western Australian environment. Perennial pasture species survived in at 350 mm anual rainfall environment at plant densities of 3-6 plants/m2 producing an average of 2000 kg/ha of fresh green feed over a 20 month period. Up to 30 percent was produced over summer. In a higher rainfall environment (600 mm), persistence and production was greater. Depending on grass species and summer rainfa
laris aquatica cv. Australian, BP88, Castelar, G.Maru, PX22, Sirolan and Thinopyrum elongatum cv. Tyrrell. Legumes and herbs, annual or perennial, failed to persist as suitable companion plants under a 'grass' management system. This will have to be res
rched and suitable management packages derived if perennial pastures are to become an integral, sustainable part of an annual farming systems.